
Having worked with several dancers, I found myself exploring a crossover between portraiture and a more gestural, dynamic form of figure painting, bringing together several disparate elements of my earlier practice and influences. This work has been my main focus since around 2016, and draws heavily on the collaborative nature of the approaches dancers and I have developed, particularly reflecting the unique discipline and artistic sensibilities that dancers’ training and experience bring to the creative process. 

Originally from Dartmoor, Carl Chapple studied painting at St Martin's School of Art, London.  After time in Greece, Turkey and Italy, he developed his interest in Classical and Renaissance painting and sculpture. Since the mid-90s he has almost exclusively painted the figure.


He moved to South Wales in 2003, and now works from life in his studio in Barry. In recent years his practice has largely centred around collaborations with dancers, particularly with the international company Ballet Cymru, with whom he is Artist in Residence. 
