Catrin Williams has exhibited her art widely since the late 1980s. Brought up on a hill-farm near Bala, she has lived near the sea at Pwllheli since 1996. Welshness - or rather the experience of living in Wales - is an obvious theme in Catrin Williams’ work, she has embodied the Welsh dresser, clothes, faces and family customs in her work. Family and homely themes have also developed into studies of the tourist imagery of Wales such as the dreaded cliché-ridden tea-towels. Recent landscape works echo her early paintings of the Berwyn mountains but it's the coastline and the sea around the Llŷn Peninsula which are the inspiration.
Dechreuodd Catrin Williams arddangos ei gweithiau celf ar ddiwedd yr 1980au ac ers hynny mae ei gwaith wedi teithio ar draws y byd. Fe'i magwyd ar fferm fynydd yng Nghefnddwysarn ger Y Bala, ond mae wedi byw wrth ymyl y môr ym Mhwllheli ers 1996. Cymreictod - neu yn hytrach y profiad o fyw yn Nghymru - yw un o'r themau cryfaf yng ngwaith Catrin Williams; mae'r ddresel, y dillad, wynebau ac arferion y teulu i gyd yn aml wedi gweu drwy'i gilydd ac yn mynnu sylw. Dros amser datblygodd y themau cartrefol a theuluol i gynnwys elfennau o'r symbolau twristaidd o Gymru fel y llieiniau golchi llestri ystrydebol. Mae atsain o'i thirluniau cynnar o fynyddoedd y Berwyn yn amlwg yn ei darnau diweddaraf ond arfordir a thraethau penrhyn Llŷn yw'r ysbrydoliaeth bellach.
Easter Exhibition / Arddangosfa Pasg
Mixed show by all our Artists / Sioe gymysg gan ein holl Artistiaid 11 Apr - 4 May 2025Celf Gallery is pleased to announce our annual Easter Show. The exhibition will highlight work by our gallery artists, including; Shani Rhys James MBE, Kevin Sinnott, Mary Lloyd Jones, John...Read more -
8 Mar - 6 Apr 2025FLORA will be the first of what will become an annual themed exhibition at Celf Gallery. The exhibition will have a different theme each year and include work by both...Read more -
Winter Exhibition / Arddangosfa Gaeaf
Celebrating the gallery's first anniversary / Dathlu pen-blwydd cyntaf yr oriel 23 Nov 2024 - 26 Jan 2025This is our first of what will become an annual Winter Exhibition at Celf Gallery. The constantly changing show highlights the work of our gallery artists, including; Philip Archer OBE,...Read more -
Summer Exhibition / Arddangosfa Haf
Mixed show by all our Artists / Sioe Gymysg gan ein holl Artistiaid 19 Jul - 18 Aug 2024Eleri Mills lives and works in rural Mid Wales, where she was born and raised. She has exhibited worldwide, and her work is in numerous national collections including the National...Read more -
Easter Exhibition / Arddangosfa Pasg
A mixed show of new work by our gallery artists 20 Mar - 7 Apr 2024Celf Gallery is pleased to announce what will become our annual Easter Show. The exhibition highlights work by our gallery artists, including; Shani Rhys James MBE, Kevin Sinnott, Mary Lloyd...Read more -
Opening Exhibition
A mixed exhibition by some of Wales' foremost artists 18 Nov - 23 Dec 2023Thrilled to be presenting our first exhibition at Celf Gallery.Read more