
Sally Moore was born in 1962 and grew up in Barry, near Cardiff.  She studied in Oxford University's Ruskin School of Art, and later at Birmingham College of Art. She won a prestigious Delfina residency and relocated to London, where she still lives and works. Her numerous awards include the Discerning Eye, Welsh Artist of the Year and the Abbey Scholarship at the British School in Rome.


Early influences included the work of Bonnard, and her scholarship in Rome in 1992/1993 gave her an opportunity to study Giorgione, Titian and Caravaggio.


She uses herself as the model in her paintings as a matter of practicality rather than the work being necessarily autobiographical.


‘Each painting is a mini psychological drama, often absurd, sometimes surreal and invariably humorous. I hope that my paintings may both unsettle and amuse the viewer.’

Collections include :

National Museum and Galleries of Wales, National Library of Wales, Newport Museum and Art Gallery, Contemporary Art Society UK, Contemporary Art Society for Wales, Sunderland Art Gallery, South East Wales Art Association, St. John’s College, Oxford. Private collections worldwide.
