Enillydd y Fedal Aur am Gelfyddyd Gain yn Eisteddfod Genedlaethol 2024 / Winner of the Gold Medal for Fine Art at the 2024 Eisteddfod
Mae gwaith pwerus Angharad yn cysylltu â phobl drwy’r testunau y mae’n cyflwyno. Mae ei gwaith yn ymateb i faterion cymhleth gwleidyddiaeth, diwylliant poblogaidd, mamolaeth, ffeministiaeth a hunaniaeth Gymreig, ac yn gofyn llawer of gwestiynai i’r sylwedydd.
Angharad's powerful work has the ability to connect with people through the topics she presents. Her work responds to complex issues of politics, popular culture, motherhood, feminism and Welsh identity, and poses many questions to the viewer.
Fel deunydd, gall dur hefyd blygu, dymchwel ac ystumio ac yn y gweithiau hyn mae Angharad Pearce Jones wedi ail gynhyrchu yn fanwl, olygfeydd o ardrawiad, y mae hi wedi bod yn eu dogfennu ers dros 7 mlynedd. Gweithiau celf achlysurol, wedi'u peintio mewn lliwiau llachar, a'u hargraffu â graffeg dŵr, gan ein hudo i edrych yn agosach ar olygfeydd o ddinistr. Mae llawer ohonyn nhw'n dod o lefydd sy'n adnabyddus i'r artist, yn cludo ei thri phlentyn o gwmpas ar hyd y blynyddoedd. Gwersi nofio yn Ystradgynlais, hyfforddiant yng Nghlwb Pêl-droed Tref Pontardawe neu eu gollwng yng Ngorsaf Ganolog Abertawe. Wedi gorfod creu rheiliau hollol syth ar gyfer ei bywoliaeth, mae gan Angharad Pearce Jones lygad barcud am un amherffaith ac mae’n stopio ei cherbyd yn gyson, i dynnu llun ohono o bob ongl, i’w ddyblygu’n ddiweddarach yn ei gweithdy yn y Garnant, Gorllewin Cymru.
As a material, steel can implode, twist, and distort, and in these works Angharad Pearce Jones presents immaculate re-productions of scenes of impact, that she has been documenting for over 7 years. Incidental artworks, painted in bright colours, and printed with beautiful aqua graphics, enticing us to look more closely at scenes of destruction. Many of them are from places known to the artist, ferrying her three children around over the years. Swimming lessons at Ystradgynlais, training at Pontardawe Town football Club or drop-offs at Swansea Central Station. Having had to create perfectly straight railings for a living, Angharad Pearce Jones has a keen eye for an imperfect one and regularly stops her vehicle, to photograph it from all angles, later to be duplicated in her workshop in Garnant, West Wales.
Easter Exhibition / Arddangosfa Pasg
Mixed show by all our Artists / Sioe gymysg gan ein holl Artistiaid 11 Apr - 4 May 2025Celf Gallery is pleased to announce our annual Easter Show. The exhibition will highlight work by our gallery artists, including; Shani Rhys James MBE, Kevin Sinnott, Mary Lloyd Jones, John...Read more -
8 Mar - 6 Apr 2025FLORA will be the first of what will become an annual themed exhibition at Celf Gallery. The exhibition will have a different theme each year and include work by both...Read more -
Summer Exhibition / Arddangosfa Haf
Mixed show by all our Artists / Sioe Gymysg gan ein holl Artistiaid 19 Jul - 18 Aug 2024Eleri Mills lives and works in rural Mid Wales, where she was born and raised. She has exhibited worldwide, and her work is in numerous national collections including the National...Read more -
Easter Exhibition / Arddangosfa Pasg
A mixed show of new work by our gallery artists 20 Mar - 7 Apr 2024Celf Gallery is pleased to announce what will become our annual Easter Show. The exhibition highlights work by our gallery artists, including; Shani Rhys James MBE, Kevin Sinnott, Mary Lloyd...Read more